IBM LOTUS NOTES 6.0.2 Full Setup

The Release Notes contain information about Release 6.0.2 of the Lotus Notes® and Lotus DominoTM software products. Release Notes documentation contains the following chapters:

What's new? introduces you to Notes, Domino Designer, and Domino server, tells you about the new features and enhancements in this release, and points you to further information.

Things you need to know describes supported platforms and environments and other information that you need to know before installing this release.

Troubleshooting describes limitations and issues associated with this release of Notes and Domino.

Documentation updates describes last-minute information and corrections that are not included in the Notes, Domino Designer, and Domino server Help databases and printed documentation.

Interoperability describes known restrictions or potential incompatibilities between different versions of Notes and Domino.

History of changes contains information about enhancements and new features introduced to the software in previous Notes/Domino 6 releases.

Domino for iSeries contains details that are specific to the IBM iSeries platform.

Domino for z/OS contains details that are specific to the IBM z/OS platform.

You can edit the documents in the online version of the Release Notes database to suit the particular needs of your site. However, if you do edit the contents of the database, it must be strictly for the sole use of users within your organization. You cannot resell or otherwise distribute this documentation, modified or unmodified, to anyone outside your organization. Lotus® and IBM® assume no responsibility for the technical accuracy of any modifications made to this documentation.
